
Se afișează postări din noiembrie, 2020


  Teama de a te pierde , ne-a adus aici Nici nu-mi imaingam , că vor fi cicatrici Noi am fost sus mereu , acolo pe o stea Tu universul meu , eu galaxia ta Norii au venit și a început furtuna Când noi nu mai simțim ca mai deținem lumea Ne-am pierdut cumva , prin multe galaxii Acum suntem departe, de a mai fii Totul a fost sublim, și ne-am iubit mereu Acum a mai rămas doar un "Am fost al tău!" Pentru tot ce a fost vreau sa îți mulțumesc Și te rog nu uita , eu încă te iubesc .

Interview - ABUSE

  I meet John at a coffee shop and we had a nice conversation about his new project "Abuse". Here is the interview whit John :    1. When you start to write and why ?         I started to write when I had 10 , was like a calling , I was like how the rhymes was flooding from my head. And yes my first poetry was still a love one . :)     2. Why abuse ?          Because I am against any type of abuse and I fight for the people wrights. And when I start that that subject I knew was a very sensible subject.     3. Have you ever been abused? Or saw something being abused ?      Yes , I've been . And I saw people being abused . I was beating a guy because he punch his girlfriend, but that is another story. :)     4. The stories are true ?      Yes . All of them are person which I know them . But the names are chan...

Te-am iubit o viață, o viață te voi iubi

  Și chiar dacă ma doare , și timpul a trecut Nu știu cum sa fac , sa uit al tău sărut Ai plecat demult, știu ca te-am plictisit Și știu că va venii , amintiri la infinit Totuși parcă aș mai vrea ceva , chiar de am greșit Să îți spun povestea mea , ceea ce nu ai auzit Nu ți-am spus niciodată, și mereu aș fi vrut Să îți scriu o scrisoare, să-ți spun ce am in gand Dar timpul a trecut , am scris și tot am șters Și acum scriu pentru tine , vers după vers Și poate că într-o zi , tu vei citi asta Pentru ca mereu , ai fost iubirea mea As începe prin, a-ți spune "Te iubesc" Stiu ca e prea târziu, și poate ca greșesc Mă doare tare , și știu ca te rănesc Dar nu pot uita , ca tu mai ales Ai fost cerul meu , luna și soarele Dar ploaia a venit , ți-a rupt aripile Cu aripile frânte, din cer ai coborât Și eu privind de sus , tu ai plecat plângând Am rămas singur pe cerul meu acum Și tot singur sunt , pe ultimul meu drum Nu te-am uitat o clipă, ai fost in mintea mea Vr...

Story 7 - Mr. & Mrs. Raymond

  Elderly people abuse is very often meet in our days .    Story 7 - Mr. & Mrs. Raymond    For that story we go in America, in 2010 , when an elderly couple bring a woman to help them into the house . Story related by her niece :     "My grandparents past away three years ago , they have a quiet and nice live , except in 2010 when they hire a woman to help them into house . She was a nightmare for our family,  seems so nice at beginning, so comunicative , very helpful . But after three months my grandparents behaviour was started to change , they was more quiet , they didn't want to speak whit nobody . And then I realised something is happening, I was putting a camera into the house and when I was seeing what was happened there . Even now I have nightmares .      That woman was let them without food , beat them , tell them to keep quiet when they requested something, she was stealing money from them and things from...

Story 6 - Anca

  Sometimes,  what we think it's a good friendship, in reality is a nightmare.    Story 6 - Anca    Anca was 16 when she found a group of friends,  most of them girls. They used to meet together a lot. One day she received a text from one of her friends from the group about a big party on that evening. Anca agreed to go. Her is her story...     "Was August, the end of the summer. I used to hang out with all my friends in the town, but on that particular evening, Maria, my best friend, sent me a text to ask me if I want to go for a party, which was outside the town, in the one of the villages. I said "why not?". We arranged to meet at 9 pm in the park and go from there together. I was waiting for her, but she was late, which wasn't normal for her. Maria appeared 20 minutes later and she was whit her boyfriend and 3 other guys . I packed myself to the car and we moved on. Nothing was unusual, until we arrived there .....   ...

Story 5 - Andreea

  Sometimes being a rich men, gives you power to ABUSE people.   Story 5 - Andreea   Italy 1998, summer vacation. Andreea was going with his family on a luxury holiday. His parents win the tickets at a lottery, a one week luxury cruise to Mediterranean. They took his son whit them. Andreea was 12 years old and a very nice boy. Listened what the other people tell him to do and he had good notes at school. Until one day he caught someone'sattention, and his nightmare began. Here is his story in his own words.   "Was a Wednesday afternoon when that men came. He called himself Rodolfo and he was in his 60s. He seemed very nice and he was dressed very elegantly. Rodolfo was very well spoken. He asked my parents if he can take me for a walk. Of course, if they agree. He would like to show me the VIP class. My parents agreed, so I went with him. But instead of walk, he took me straight to his bedroom and started to touch me everywhere. I was paralized and  I didn't ...