Diary for my daughter 28.02.2022 - Florianus/Probus/Carus/Carinus/Numerian
Hello My little penguin 🐧! Tata here! Hope you're well and listen to your mummy! Tata is quite fine today ! Just a bit of muscular pain as I raise the weight level at gym last night and until I will get used will take a while :) . Today is a cloudy day , but the advantage is not to cold . Last night was premier of the last season of Peaky Blinders on BBC ... of course I didn't see it yet 😅 ... is not a hard day at work today so maybe I will have time to see it tonight:) . Now is time for your stories..... Florianus Marcus Annius Florianus (died 276), also known as Florian, was Roman emperor from the death of his half-brother, Emperor Tacitus, in July 276 until his own murder in September of that year. Florianus was the maternal half-brother of Tacitus, who was proclaimed emperor in late 275 after the unexpected death of Emperor Aurelian. After Tacitus died the following year, allegedly assassinated as a consequence of a military plot, Florianus proclaimed himself emperor, wi...