Diary for my daughter 31.05.2022 - Intef I,II,III/Mentuhotep I,II,III,IV/Sankhibtawy Seankhibra

Hello My little penguin 🐧! Tata here! Good news , I had a new job , I will work at Occado :) , starting Monday, I will let you know how is it . Today is a fussy weather, cloudy and sunny . Traffic is very good as the school is finished. At work is quiet as I don't have so many calls . Tomorrow is a special day . 1 of June . Children day . So I will start to record your Sunday special from today as will be a lot of events this week . Until then.... your stories of today..... Intef I Sehertawy Intef I was a local nomarch at Thebes during the early First Intermediate Period and the first member of the 11th Dynasty to lay claim to a Horus name. Intef reigned from 4 to 16 years c. 2120 BC or c. 2070 BC during which time he probably waged war with his northern neighbor, the Coptite nomarch Tjauti. Intef was buried in a saff tomb at El-Tarif, known today as Saff el-Dawaba. Sources Intef is known for certain from only one near-contemporary monument: two inscribed blocks from the te...