Diary for my daughter 01.07.2023 - Benjamin Morrell

Hello, my little penguin 🐧! Tata here! Hope you're well! Tata is fine today! I had an active night last night at work, and now, in the morning, I will go to pick up an Amazon block from Luton. Later on, I will have an Amazon fresh from Weylin Garden City, and the day will carry on with GoGetters in Hertford and Ware finishing with Ocado job tonight... so it will be a busy day, hoping without any other incidents 😁. It's the first of July, and outside is a cloudy day. So... let's go to your today story... Benjamin Morrell Benjamin Morrell (July 5, 1795 – c. 1839) was an American sea captain, explorer and trader who made a number of voyages, mainly to the Atlantic, the Southern Ocean and the Pacific Islands. In a ghost-written memoir, A Narrative of Four Voyages, which describes his sea-going life between 1823 and 1832, Morrell included numerous claims of discovery and achievement, many of which have been disputed by geographers and historians, and in some cases have b...