
Se afișează postări din noiembrie, 2023

Diary for my daughter 30.11.2023 - Marea Unire

  Hello, my beautiful daughter ❤️! Tata here! Hope you're well! Tata is fine today! I managed to resolve some problems, and I am quite content. Everything at his time. I had an Amazon collection from Enfield, and I was delivered to Chingford , which was a fast one .I finished in 1 hour and a half. Now, I am in Harlow with GoGetters until 22. Winter is here as even tonight, even now is quite cold outside,  arr just 3 degrees, last night it was -3 degrees. Let's hope good times are on the way. So... let's go to your today story... Marea Unire  Marea Unire din 1918 a fost procesul istoric în urma căruia toate provinciile istorice locuite de români s-au unit în anul 1918 în cuprinsul aceluiași stat național, România. Etape preliminare au fost Unirea Principatelor Române din 1859 și dobândirea independenței în urma războiului din 1877-1878, pe fondul renașterii naționale a românilor în parcursul secolului al XIX-lea. Unirea [Rusiei cu România|Basarabiei]], a Bucovinei și, în c...

Diary for my daughter 29.11.2023 - WhatsApp

  Hello, my beautiful daughter ❤️! Tata here! Hope you're well! Tata is fine today.  I sorted out a part of the problems which I was mentioning to you yesterday. I changed a tyre as it was still losing pressure constantly. I had in the morning an Amazon fresh  from Weylin Garden City, and I was delivered in Letchworth and villages around it . After I solved out the things, I was resting myself at home. I started a new TV show ... OK, I see two at the same time 😅. So ... let's go to your today story ... WhatsApp WhatsApp (officially WhatsApp Messenger) is a freeware, cross-platform, centralized instant messaging (IM) and voice-over-IP (VoIP) service owned by United States tech conglomerate Meta Platforms. It allows users to send text, voice messages and video messages, make voice and video calls, and share images, documents, user locations, and other content. WhatsApp's client application runs on mobile devices, and can be accessed from computers. The service require...

Diary for my daughter 28.11.2023 - Snapchat

  Hello, my beautiful daughter ❤️! Tata here! Hope you're well! Tata is fine today! Today, it was a busy day , not regarding deliveries , regarding that I have some problems to resolve and I didn't managed to resolve them , yet. But even tomorrow is a day . I had an Amazon collection from Luton, and I was delivered to Hatfield , I finished 2 hours earlier. Now I am at home, resting until tomorrow when I hope I will resolve the problems.  Let's hope I do . So... let's go to your today story... Snapchat Snapchat is an American multimedia instant messaging app and service developed by Snap Inc., originally Snapchat Inc. One of the principal features of Snapchat is that pictures and messages are usually only available for a short time before they become inaccessible to their recipients. The app has evolved from originally focusing on person-to-person photo sharing to presently featuring users' "Stories" of 24 hours of chronological content, along with ...