Story 3 - Angela


Falling in love is not always the best dream. Sometimes can even become a nightmare.
     Story 3 - Angela
     For this story we will go to Spain,  to year 2015. Angela was one of the girls, who went to work on farms in Spain.  She was Romanian, and was19 years old. After she finished her college, she decided to help her family and that is why she went to Spain. It was spring, when she arrived on farm. All the people welcomed her with a big smiles and very quickly she was appreciated at her workplace. Angela was a pretty girl and very hard worker. Angela's salary was good and everything seemed like a dream. But Angela didn't know that soon it will become a nightmare.
     One day, Angela decided to go with her colleagues for a coffee to the village. She met there a guy, who was good looking, presentable and she fallen in love with him. They have seen each other one mouth,  when he proposed her to move together. Angela was in love, so she accepted. After just two week, she went missing, didn't come to work,  nobody knew what's happened.
     It was later revealed, that Angela's new love was a pimp. He kidnapped her, forced her to have sex with others, drugged her and kept her locked in the room. She was a sexual doll for 5 years, until police rescued her and another three girls. Not all of them were so lucky, some of them died, because of overdose, HIV or violence.
      Police took in the court 30 people responsible for human trafficking, 20 man and 10 woman. Judge punished them severally, most of them got 25 years in prison.
    The big question asked is the punishment of 25 years in prison for raping, drugging, killing,  kidnapping and ABUSE enough?
    Even now,  Angela is afraid to be touched by someone and have everyday psychological consulting. Her mental health will never come back to normal. Around the world they are millions of women ABUSED everyday. 


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