Diary for my daughter 26.09.2021
Hey , my little penguin 🐧, tata here. Hope you are well and you listen your mum .
Tata is feeling better today , I didn’t have any pains , for moment, just in my soul , but that is another story to tell in another day .
The fuel war is still going on here , as now is very hard to find it . So tonight after work I need to go to find the "hidden gem" . Is like last year whit toilet paper (if you ask her nice your mum will tell you that story) :) .
I remember last year when pandemic was started (you know , you are a child which was born in a pandemic year 2020 ... that will remain in history) we had problems to find your milk and diapers, we was rolled around like crazy to whole the supermarkets . But we always managed to find them in final . Your mum and me we was a good team , everything what was coming out we was managing. :) .
Today I just feel empty whitout that . I'm so sorry I can't be there today to hug you .
I love you a lot my little penguin 🐧 ❤.
Be a nice baby and listen to mummy.
I will write you tommorow as usual.
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