Diary for my daughter 27.09.2024 - Punta Nera

Hello, my beautiful daughter!
Tata here!
Hope you're well!
Tata is fine today! I entered in a straight line for tomorrow party. That is your grandmother party to enter on pension. I been to the shopping in the morning, let the shopping in the countryside, washed the car, and now I am resting a bit before the evening when I will have another road to make to take some things for the party at the place where the party it will be. So.. it will be a lot of driving, today and tomorrow...

Punta Nera

The Punta Nera is a mountain of Savoie (France) and of the Province of Turin (Italy). It lies in the Cottian Alps range. It has an elevation of 3,047 metres above sea level.


Its name (literally Black summit) comes from the dark colour of the shists prevailing in the mountain slopes facing Susa Valley. Also in French official maps the mountain is referred as Punta Nera.


The mountain is mainly made of detrital deposits and is the highest elevation of the Dora-Arc water divide between Colle della Rho (2,541 m) and Col du Fréjus (2,541 m). The mountain ends with two summits divided by a saddle at 3,017 m; the western one is the highest (3,047 m), while the eastern subsummit (3,041 m) overlooks Bardonecchia and is marked by a metallic summit cross. From the summit branches out a third ridge which connects the Punta Nera with the neighbouring Grand Argentier (3,042 m), totally in France.

SOIUSA classification
According to SOIUSA (International Standardized Mountain Subdivision of the Alps) the mountain can be classified in the following way:

main part = Western Alps
major sector = South Western Alps
section = Cottian Alps
subsection = Northern Cottian Alps
supergroup = Chaîne Bernaude-Pierre Menue-Ambin / Catena Bernauda-Pierre Menue-Ambin
group = Massif de la Roche Bernaude / Gruppo della Rocca Bernauda
subgroup = Crête de l'Argentier / Cresta Punta Nera-Grand Argentier
code = I/A-4.III-B.4.b

Access to the summit

The normal route to access the mountain from its Italian side starts from Grange della Rho (Bardonecchia) and, after Piano dei Morti (at about 2,300 m), leaves the footpath leading to the Colle della Rho and reaches the summit through its South-Western slopes, at first grassy and then bare and rocky. From France the normal access route starts from Valfréjus (Modane); in wintertime some skilifts operating there can be used in order to shorten the climb. The mountain is also crossed by a quite demanding ski mountaineering route connecting Col du Fréjus with Colle della Rho.

And that was your today story Colle della Rho.

Until tomorrow...

Be nice!
I'm so sorry that another day passed and I didn't hug you! Please forgive me!
I miss you the most!
I love you infinite!



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